Pages 'n Stuff

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Xenophobia? How Is That Going, You Ask? Eh...

See? See, I am going through with this. I'm just full of empty promises... like I have been for the past couple of months. But hey, all in all, I'm back. Though... I won't make any promises only because, I've read many books and see too many movies where the main characters makes a promise they didn't keep. Ahem, "Now, don't make a promise if you know you can't keep it," ~Cortana, Halo 3. I'm just speaking sense here... spit-balling merely.

As some of you, or some of you don't know, I don't post on the weekends because that's my time to do whatever I want which doesn't include blogging because so many times I've sat down to blog and I get destracted by something. So, to solve my problem, I do it during school. Don't worry, I'm not neglecting my school work. In fact, I'm all ready done with it and I'm either left to -- WAIT. Oh well, I should be reading my Gears of War book because the game came out today and I will most likely get my copy tomorrow and I have two chapters left of the book, about fifty pages until I'm done but... I've made a commitment and I'm going through with it.

I got one comment last time, LST, thanks a lot. And I appreicate it and I will write a bit about what you commented about.

LST asked how editing for my sci-fi orignial, Xenophobia is going.

And here's my answer: It's all right, border-line bad. I'll first start out about the story. If you don't know about my story, you should probably skip this part because you'll be lost or go onto Kidpub and search it up and read a few excerpts. The first three chapters that I posted on KP are invaild. As in, they suck and I've changed them up. A lot. And let's be honest, I am deathly bored of the first three chapters because those are the chapters I've kept for roughly three years. And over three years time span, I've read them... thousands of times. And now, I'm deciding to take things a bit differently. But I might release some of the chapters here on this blog but only on this blog. I might...

As for editing, it's going bad. My editing is all ready slow as it is because I'm constantly skipping around reading different parts because that's what I want to do but I desperately need to just sit down and read it right through. But I'm still not satisified with it. I gave three people a copy of Xenophobia, the first book, Quarantine, to edit. And so far, one is done. My good friend, Aimee who is a published author on KP. (Check out her book, it's Breaking Boundaries. VERY good. I must say. She's a great poet as well. READ IT. I insist.) She finished in a heartbeat and I'm glad about that. The other two people, another good friend of mine, Lisa and my mom aren't even halfway through. And they've had a copy since July. That was... roughly three months ago. I'm afraid to ask where Lisa is. But her excuse is understandable because she's my age and has school but my mom, she also has a pretty good excuse but all in all, it's offensive either way.

My mom hasn't ever been impressed by my writing for the entirety of my writing... career, so to speak. The most I ever get is a "It's good". And I got a smile once out of her and it was something I had to write for school. It's very frusterating because I'm like, "MOM, I am TRYING to make something of myself and all you're doing is saying... IT'S GOOD," -_- Sometimes, I want to scream.

And I think one night, I was hormonal and got fed up with her and said something like, "I'm a little ticked off at you because you've had a copy for... three months and you're only 150 pages out of 430 into the book," Always, she has the same answer, "I'm busy with work," Yeah, but how many times I seen her sit and watch TV and play Words with Friends for an hour and a half? Too many.

Finally, I said, "Mom, if it sucks. You just have to tell me, you don't have to keep forcing your way through it,"

Then she replied, "Chelsea, I'm just not a big fan of science fiction that's all,"

UGH. Anyways. I'm just telling you what's been up lately. So that's whats been up. So, I'm DESPERATELY trying to get my mom who is at the same place she stopped at three weeks ago, to read it, Lisa, I'm afraid to ask because I all ready know what the answer is.

But, once Novemeber hits, I am pulling the rug from underneath their feet. I want to focus 2012 on getting the thing published. I would REALLY like to have been read and gone through Lisa and my mom before my birthday, December 27. They have plenty of time but at this rate, they ain't gonna get anywhere.

In my spare time, I'm buying some books telling me what's good to have in a manuscript, what annoys agents, and all in all, how to get published. And I have been looking into it. I've asked Kay, from KP, about what it takes and she's given me some information so all I need to do at this point is find some agents. And hope my book gets somewhere in this world. :) I'll keep ya'll updated.

Comments are always appreciated. If ya'll want, I'll post some of Xenophobia in a new tab. That is if people will read it. Yes, what would you like me to blog about? I've gotten some... all ready.

  • What my summer was like

  • And how High School is going.

That's all I got and I always appreciate it guys. :)



  1. Great job Chels on this entry!!!!! Anyway, I would like to know how your summer was so....yeah....write more!

  2. Night Owl,

    Thanks again for a comment! :) I will tell you about my summer! :)Next post.


  3. They both sound interesting. ^_^ I wish you luck with publishing! :D

    I never show my family my writing… For one thing, my mom dislikes… whoa, extreme deja vu write now. O.O anyway, my mom doesn't really like fiction. I lurve fiction. XP

  4. LST,

    Thanks! :) Oh wow, that sucks... My mom likes fiction but she's picky about exactly what type she reads. And my type isn't what she likes... sadly.



Comment! Tell me what YOU think! :D I love writer-reader interaction!