Pages 'n Stuff

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Shout Out To Someone More Than a Friend And Blogger I Hate You Sometimes

All right guys, I've always grown up with friends since I've known from Kindergarten but this girl I met in fifth grade and when we found out we both like to write it was an instant connection. All writer's have that inner connection that normal people don't feel. Writer's are special guys and it's like a gut feeling that you have a deeper sense of connection towards them, it's something you don't forget. This girl has moved from all of these places and she stayed in Texas for a while. We had a rocky relationship and we said something that we're not proud of -- or at least, I'm not proud of and I owe her a lot and yesterday, was her last day in Texas. She's moving to Florida and so, I won't be able to see her until Spring next year when the Band goes to Florida for Disneyland. It was kind of hard for me to say good-bye because all of my friends are planted here. I've never had to say good-bye to any of my friends before. My last memory of her is going to be me pulling out of Chili's parking lot, me leaning out of the car window, waving good-bye, both us crying. I couldn't even get out bye I was crying so hard. But, I won't linger on it because it makes me cry and I am in class so I don't want people looking at me weirdly. lol. But, she knows who she is. And... when you got your trumpet, did you see the picture? Meggie put that in there. I was crying when I showed her your locket. Damn, I miss you all ready. But, you know, I'll get a webcam and we can skype! :) Also, she said she will start a blog and guess what, you guys better read it.

All right, before I start bawling, I'll get to today's topic.

Today... on this very day... on... October 27, 2011 at 9:17 AM, on a humid morning in Texas in a little town... a girl had an idea that might be either completely pointless or entirely genius, whichever the case, I will give you the details.

There's this girl, she's - eh, about five, four roughly, brown hair, brown eyes and very Italian looking, promient nose and tan skin. She wears glasses because her contacts are too hard to get in and she has almost straight As, save for math and science, nice, sweet, good circle of friends, Christian, and guess what? She's single. Shocker right. Well, that person happens to be me, I just descended into writer's mode.

GOD, I hate blogger sometimes. Okay, I just had... oh my gosh, I just wrote a long post explaining Operation Q-tip... and now, oh my gosh, it's all gone! D:< GOSH DANG IT. Man, I am not in the mood for this, Blogger. I am having problems with Blogger lately and I changed email addresses because my other one was weird and I thought it was about time to change it.

See, you know what, me and Chiaki have this theory that computers will take over the friggin' world one day. Either computers are getting smarter or we're getting dumber because even... even my CAT is getting smarter than me. She outsmarts us all the time. Something is happening guys. Whatever it is, I don't know... but it's making me mad. Computers have racked up SO many points and we have like, two or something. Computers: the counter has broken.

And some people are having problems commenting because blogger is claiming there are "errors" and stuff. It's happened to me. If this keeps it up, I'm gonna go try to fix this problem...

UGH. Man! And I don't want to retype that either because I don't have enough time. Dang it! Well, Blogger, guess what, you suck and no one likes you. Sorry guys, this is was an overall pointless blog post. I'll update ya'll about Operation Q-tip some other time. But next time, look forward to me talking about the Royal Wedding and my opinions on that event...



  1. ^_^ The same thing happened to me when I revived my blog. My first "Hey, I'm back!" post was literally titled: "Blogger, I hate you sometimes. :)"
    XD Weird... but ANYWAYS...
    That's really hard. D: When I moved, I basically tried to keep it a secret because I didn't want any dramam or anything... but I've never had a friend who liked writing and that encouraged me in my writing. There is this evil person who was my friend for awhile who liked writing but constantly told me that my writing sucked. -_-
    ANYWAY... on that happy note, I bid you farewell.

    PS for all you peeps with the comment errors: It happens to me, too. I've concluded to jsut using the Name/URL option, it works well and people can still access your blog. :)

    Lol, I've been trying to comment for a while now. Soooo, HERE I AM...again.
    I'm so sorry about your friend :( I moved from my home town when I was eight and it was...sad. Yeah. But, I consider Washington my home now and I've made really great friends here.
    That might be slightly depressing to you, but at least know your friend is in a good place.
    (oh it sounds like she's dead. I'm not very helpful, am I?)
    Oh well, I hope to comment more on some post or other from you~!
    --Ninja Cat

  3. Tough. I've moved around a lot in my short life time... 5 times in in 10 years. But it's never been hard for me cos I don't have the knack of making great friends. Oh, well, I'm used to it now. Come to think of it, I didn't cry once in all my moves! The problem (or solution) must lie with me... Anyway, I'm really sorry for you. It's not fun, even if I never had a decent enough friend to cry over ;)

  4. So sorry, Chelsea! I actually like moving, myself. Although there will still be friends that I don't want to leave behind!

    Awesome blog, Chels.


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