I think I mentioned a post or two ago that I've had Writer's Block and I'm doing practically anything to ensnare the inspiration before it leaves. It's come to me suddenly and I'm using it. I actually put some of Xenophobia on a flashdrive and brought it to school to write with. I am desperate.
So, sorry guys. No post today.
Hope ya'll had a wonderful Halloween! Because mine was relatively successful. And I should go over Halloween etiquette eventually becuase SOME PEOPLE don't know that concept. Anyway. I got 90 pieces of candy but probably like 80 now because I devoured some last night because it's stashed in my room. :)
Chill out guys.
Talley ho,
Aww, I'm gonna miss the blog post for the day... I'm also missing the chance to say awesome blog post. Well, I WANT CANDY! I'm gonna go and get some now... But not by trick-or-treating!
Well, that's cool. My Halloween was awesome... I went to this super-cool Halloween party and scared the living cheese out of my friends by going as a bloody zombie... Yes, I'm TOTALLY weird, but oh well; It just makes me unique! :)