Pages 'n Stuff

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Writing Competition, Entered, I'm Gonna Show Them Upper Classmen!

Every morning, it's something different! I don't know how to predict my ADHD little brother! All right, this morning, my mom comes in to wake me up and my little brother comes along too. And so, I start to wake up but my bro gets in bed beside me -- and at this time of the day, I'm not at a state to care about what's happening, so I stretch my arms and my little brother does the same. I put back at my side. He follows suit. Me: Crap. He's copying me. So, I roll on my side and so does he and he scoots over to be right beside me so, finally, I'm on the edge of the bed, about to fall off and in my head, I thinking, "Oh please, oh PLEASE! Let my mom show up and see this. I'm not awake enough to do anything." Thankful, after what seemed like forever, as I clung precariously off the side of the bed, she came in and called him to go get dressed. Thank goodness.

But I could hardly swollen when I woke up. There must be something in the air. My hand didn't cooperate so well. I go to sleep with my hair wet because I'm too lazy to blow dry my hair so it dries in weird fashions so I just pull back the front, tie it back and let the rest of my hair do its thing.

So, my throats still hurts, I have a bit of a headache. NAG NAG NAG. lol. But I did get two cups of coffee this morning, which did me well.

But it's weird, I'm never hungry no week days but week ends I'm starving and my stomach becomes the beast.

Also, I signed up for Ready Writing, which is sorta like a writing competition, but it's not fiction but it gives me good experience and I'm the only freshmen (lowest in high school) that signed up. I'm gonna show those upper classmen that I can write just as well as they can. I'm determined. I'm gonna go all out, guys. I'll keep ya'll updated on that.

GOD! I swear to goodness I'm going to blow up Blogger. It keeps on giving me crap and errors! I am going switch my blog over to a different sight if this keep happening. It's pissing me off. >:(

I just wrote a really long post and it was... CRAFTED! GOSH DANG IT!

Well, okay, ahem, compose yourself Chelsea.

I was just going to ask as well what happened to ya'll? My stats went WAY down. What do you guys want me to blog about? I'm at a low for blog posts. I want to keep this blog going, I need some ideas guys.

Overall, chill out guys.

Talley ho,


  1. Haha, 'let the rest of my hair do its thing....'. This made me crack up!!!!! Anyway, this blog is awesome, and I REALLY want you to continue it. Sorry I don't have any ideas for blog posts, but whatever you do, PLEASE keep it up, your blog is EPIC!!!!!!!

  2. Sometimes I google blog ideas. Most of the time I don't follow the prompts, but they trigger something in my brain. Here's one:
    (I'm Amy.. :P)

  3. I wish there were more contests held around where I live...I hope you do well.
    Upperclassmen are old and in the way~! (that's what my homeroom teacher tells us, but it sounds better when you say "eight graders". However I realize that I completely irrelevant to your education level :3)
    ANYWAY, good luck!
    ~Ninja Cat

  4. P.S. I think your Koi are freaking amazing but I'm afraid if I keep feeding them they'll get fat D:
    ~Ninja Cat

  5. Good luck! I'm sure you'll excel (This is how you actually spell it: XL).Perrrrrrrrin xxx


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