Pages 'n Stuff

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Vlogging Coming Up Soon! Need Ideas!

Hey guys, what's up?

Sorry for no posts, but this week and especially next week are hectic because it's finals week and so I have tests in every single class and in my Graphic Design class, I've been working really hard on the assignments because I only have a couple of class periods left. Like, here are some ones I've finished and they're all right, I guess.

Wonderful aren't they? Just in time for the holidays too. They took some time to do, especially that dang Christmas tree. Do you know how long it took me to make it look relatively realstic? A very, very long time, I'll tell you that.

Okay, guys, I got a new laptop. Trust me, I'm NOT spoiled. My dad comes home, carrying a laptop. I asked him, "What's that for?" I wasn't expecting one. "It's for you." Mom: Merry Christmas. So, hooray. And guess what, it has a webcam! And guess what THAT means! :) I get to vlog. You get to see the person behind the words of PTL. Isn't that just EXCITING? Well, yeah. It is. So cheer! :) I'm not ugly, so it's not big deal. And you guys can also check if I have a Texan accent. I don't think so... but I don't know for sure.

Anyways. I need something good for a first vlog post. Any suggestions? I need something really good. What do ya'll want me to do? And here's what I figure, I can vlof on the weekend and blog on the weekdays. And also, I can keep in touch with all of ya'll over Christmas break and Summer and stuff. So, who knows.

Trust me, I'm not boring to listen to. Unless... that's what I'm told. But of course, you'll be the judge of that.

As for upcoming BLOG posts, I will be interviewing some of my writer friends so if you're one of the two I haven't interviewed yet. Keep an eye on your emails. ESPECIALLY YOU CHIAKI. *ahem*

If you guys can't come up with anything, I have a backup idea. I'll interview myself. (Self conceited much? lol)

Anyways, that's that.




  1. Hey everyone. Interesting idea for a blog. I have been checking out a lot of blogs and forums recently. Some are really informative some are entertaining and some are a real crack up. l-arginine dosage

  2. Hilda dada,

    Well, uh, *ahem*, is that a good thing or a bad thing?


  3. OMG
    YES :D
    I would totally watch this!
    I think you should interview your writer friends on camera! (I see that is one of your blogging plans...) Of course, if your friends parents aren't okay with that then, IDK. If it were me, I would start by sort of "introducing myself" as a vlogger. Do an "about me" blog. Maybe even have one of your friends come up with the questions, so it's more interesting :)
    Good luck!
    ~Ninja Cat


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