Well, hello there guys! Long time no see. Literally. It's been a while since I posted something and naturally, I'm sorry for that. Life has been absolutely crazy for me lately - I'll keep it at that.
I would have made this particular blog post a vlog post but as you guys know, I live in the lovely state of Texas and it's Spring time and the oak trees - the trees that dominate most of this part of Texas are pollinating right now. And I mean, they're going nuts. Allergies are really getting to me so my throat is really raw and my voice sounds awful. When something happens to my throat, the pitch of my voice drops an octave, thus making me sound like a man. And so, to avoid embarrassing myself, I will keep this to text.
The end of the year is coming and my gosh, my freshman year of high school has really flown by. It felt like I just went to Fish Camp (freshmen are called Fish here) and started my first day in school and I'll be honest, I was nervous because our HS is pretty huge and I was worried about getting lost. But my freshmen year was quiet successful - knock on wood, it's not over yet - but so far. This year has been full of change and I experienced a lot of news things. Marching band was so much fun as was all of band, one of my best friends moved away, had my first relationship and break-up, met a lot of cool people, and despite all the bad that has happened... this year has been great. I wouldn't have wanted it to be any other way. I feel like I've had a renewed perspective on a lot of things.
Enough of that, let's have a stab at it (steak sounds really good right about now). During lunch, I walked around to my freshmen friends and asked them what advice they would give to an incoming freshmen, aka, eighth grader. I got some pretty good answers. I will list them all and elaborate on some.
In no particular order:
- Stay away from drama and the people that cause it. Drama comes in many forms, basically, it's upset. Whether it's with friends, an arch-friend, or a boyfriend, or whatever, it's basically when you're confused and nothing is making sense. Stay AWAY from drama. Sometimes, it's hard to avoid but try your best. Drama SUCKS.
- Have good hygiene. That means, wear deodorant, PLEASE wear it, cologne, perfume, brush your teeth, comb your hair, bathe regularly. Yes, in elementary and middle school you had an excuse for it, being young and not wanting to but it's time to grow up.
- Policy on Boyfriend/Girlfriend. Yes, you will have crushes and what-not and "love" but as for dating, I would wait a couple of years, like when you're a Junior or a Senior because I'm living proof as are a lot of teens my age that sometimes relationships just don't work out so well for whatever reason. I could go into a HUGE rant about that and maybe I will someday but now, I'll keep it at this.
- Don't be immature. PLEASE. Don't act like a little kid people in HS will not take it anymore. It sounds harsh but it's true. You need to grow up and start taking life a little serious instead of being in a fantasy world.
- Don't do drugs. OBVIOUSLY.
- Don't get pregnant. OBVIOUSLY.
- Don't be all pissy with your parents or diss them with your friends. What makes me mad more than anything is when people diss their parents on Facebook or to their friends, yes, you're a hormonal teenager but refrain from being pissy with your friends. I'm guilty of it but you'll learn they're always right. I learned that the hard way... several times.
- Develop good homework/studying habits. As much as its tempting to procrastinate, try not to do that, like on project. I can't stress it enough - grades REALLY matter in HS. If you want to go to college, then you better get good grades because that's all colleges see, HS grades and Freshmen year is CRITICAL. I can't stress that enough.
- If you're thinking about quitting Band, DON'T. I'm sure if you ask anyone from Band, they will probably agree. Band is SUCH an awesome experience and I'm sad that people don't get to experience. It's a lot of work but the friends you get are so unforgettable and your section is your family. It's amazing.
- Be organized and stay organized. Some teachers may require a binder with certain tabbed sections for a grade so it's good to keep organized and STAY organized. As for buying supplies, you should definitely bring a blank journal to school and write down what supplies you'll need for each class so you can go out and buy them because each class sometimes require a binder, others don't. Like my Honors English class requires a three-inch binder... it's so heavy... D:
- Map out a bathroom routine. From my good friend, Lisa, she stressed this one. Get into a pee routine. And also, locate bathrooms in your school because if you're HS is anything like mine, the bathrooms are so inconsistent and nothing sucks more then having to pee and you can't find the bathroom.
- Claim a lunch table. Try to stay in one area at lunch or claim a certain area or table because if your group of friends hop tables on a daily basis you could be upsetting the pattern, thus, throwing everyone off.
- Be honest. Don't lie. Just a general rule. I will not rant but I absolutely despise liars.
- Be nice. Don't be an idiot or be rude. People in HS won't take crap anymore, they'll either tear you down or you won't have any friends. In generality, be nice... to everyone.
- Stay on the right side of the hallway and don't go up the down stairs. I don't know about your school, but hallways and stairs are like roads. On the right side is oncoming traffic and left side is traffic going the opposite way. Stay on the right side of the road/hallway. And PLEASE, don't go up the down stairs or down the up stairs.
- Phones. I'm not sure what your school is like but our vice principle is like a hawk when it comes to phones. At lunch, he will literally take the phone away and write you up. Also, some teachers are more flexible when it comes to phones but then again, some aren't. So be safe and keep your phone on silent or off and assume on the first day all teachers HATE phones. Also, the cool thing about HS is that if you have an iPod or something, you can listen to it during school! :D Makes me so happy. :)
- Wise words from my good friend, Rusty: "*long pause* Don't pretend to be better than upper classmen." Keep to your status as in, understand you're at the bottom again and don't try to out-do the upper classmen. It's annoying for them. I've been told by many that I'm not like a normal freshmen - I'm not annoying or stupid so that's why I have a lot of upper classmen friends.
- Don't gossip. Simple.
- Leave your eighth grade attitude back at Elementary/Middle school. Okay, I will admit, not all eighth graders are mean but some of them are. Some of ya'll act like you own the world and you are the shit. News Flash: You're not. Leave that attitude at your last school. Trust me, when you get to my age, you'll understand.
- Be yourself! HS is prime ground for figuring out where you lay in the school and who your true friends are. Just be yourself! Don't copy the "cool people" or imitate anyone. Be yourself! I can't stress that enough.
- Corners. Corners are secretly the most awkward places... well, okay, when you're walking down the hallway and you have to take a right to the next hallway, don't go speeding into it, take your time and kinda peek because I don't know HOW MANY times I've turned a corner and BAM, six-foot guy is standing there.
- Don't fling doors open. Because so many times I've outweighed getting smacked in the face by a door. Try not to walk right along the wall, where the doors are unless you want bruises.
- Dress code. Live up to dress code. If your school doesn't require a uniform, try to stay within dress code limits. Don't wear slutty shorts or low-cut shirts. It doesn't make you look good, it just makes you're addicted to attention... Just use common sense guys. Though, sometimes, you'll get attacked for your shirt or something that clearly is okay. Just bear with it guys.
- Bring a jacket. It doesn't have to be a thick, winter coat unless you live in those conditions, but if your school is stupid like mine with this ACs on the spazz... it'll be eighty degrees outside and then inside it's fifty in EVERY classroom. Recently, I've been freezing my butt off in some of my classes. It's good to keep a jacket with you for those purposes.
- Hand sanitizer. It doesn't hurt.
- Mints. Please :D for the sake of those around you, keep some with you.
- Chapstick. WHEERE'S THE CHAPSTICK!!?! *ahem* Well, keep chapstick with you.
- Bags/Backpacks. If your school doesn't have lockers like my school, you'll have to keep a bag with you. I would recommend buying a laptop tote because those bags have two compartments with some extra little pockets. Shoulder bags preferably. Or you could get a backpack that works equally well. I need to get a backpack because I have a plaid, laptop tote but it's putting stress on one shoulder and that's not good for my back in my condition... but anyways.
- Coloring pencils! You MAY actually need them and try to keep them in order and present in your little box. In my Geography class, we'll occasionally color maps and I'll have to use the crappy coloring pencils our teacher has.
- Makeup. Don't wear TOO much... because it looks weird... To those who care, here's my makeup routine: powder to even my skin tone, fake lashes (they're not obnoxious) eyeliner and glitter eyeshadow. So stylish I know...
As for those who are still worried to start HS, don't be! It can be nerve-racking but it's actually a really amazing experience and you gain a lot of new friends and have so much more fun. I'm kinda sad to see my freshmen year come to an end in... May. Sorta brings me to tears but then, I'll be a Sophomore next year! Gosh, I'm getting so old. D:
Give HS a chance and you'll see how amazing it can be. Have fun, smile, be happy, laugh and all that peachy jazz. It can be a very confusing time but it can also be a great time as well.
Questions? Comments? Concerns? Don't hesitate to ask!
I send ya'll with my luck!
P.S. I'm aware I'm spelling Talley-ho wrong...
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