Pages 'n Stuff

Friday, September 30, 2011

Alright, Listen Up, KP, I Wanna Get Something Off My Chest

Hey guys.

I want to get to the topic right away today because there's something I just have to get off my chest. It's been on my mind for a long time and I think it's time I voice my opinion.

I'll start with the regular sob story: I've been on Kidpub for about three years. Since 2007 I believe. So, with my horrible math skills, that reveals 2011 - 2007 = waaiittt... just a second. Yeah, three years. I was right. It wasn't 2007, what am I thinking? Whatever... I've been on Kidpub for three years and my frequent posting years have passed. Now I only post every now again and I don't have like fifty stories going. And don't get me wrong, having fifty stories means you're full of ideas and not a would-be writer. But there is a time where you choose from that myraid of ideas to one idea that you focus on and that's where I'm at.

I love Kidpub -- I really do. There are so many memories associated with the name and I don't think I could officially leave Kidpub. And this post is not about my possible departure. I'm just addressing some issues and telling you my side of the story.

My first year of Kidpub passed and I quickly realized that there was something... something that I now know but didn't know back then. I've written hard-core, military, and pyschological sci-fi since I was in third grade and all ready that's not a popular genre that most kids that age should write or read about. So, I'm pretty unique there. I have not found someone else who writes what I write that is my age. I can think of countless published authors that write that but I don't know anyone personally or my age. But, you can find fantasy writers, fanfiction writers (I don't count them as true to heart writers, again, my opinion), and romance writers a lot easier than you can find sci-fi writers. Sci-fi, in general, has never been popular so there is a reason my stories on KP never recieved an ass-load of comments... like some of the newer members demand.

Don't get me wrong. I love getting feedback, and I mean, it doesn't even have to be positive. It can be negative, but if it just turns into hating, keep it to your self, honestly. You know what I find strange. These new members that have been on for less than a year get like seven comments on a two paragraph long chapter when there are older members, who still want that attention, still want the feedback as much as the new members do. And we don't get it.

Though, there are two factors I must consider with this problem, one, sci-fi is a sorta not thought about genre, and people that age don't typically read it. I do understand that but it doesn't take away the fact that the new members who are complaining about not getting any comments, get them, and everyone forgets about the older members. We like the feedback as much as you do.

Now, here's what I'm getting at. Some of ya'll are hypocrites. I'm not aiming this at anyone in particular, more of all of you and even myself. You guys talk about change but no one takes initative. The solution may be that you either suck it up and deal with (as have I for the past three years. I've always had one and MAYBE two, if I'm lucky, followers for my stories. It's depressing, guys. And I work hard on my writing) or we acknowledge the fact we do need to comment on whatever we can. And we should all stop demanding for comments and using stupid excuses as these: "If you don't comment on this story, I'll quit KP!" and "If I don't get six comments, I'll stop writing this book."

Seriously guys, you're only hurting yourself. It's pathetic and also, what do you think you will accomplish when ya'll insist on threatening to quit KP because you're not getting comments. That... I believe says a lot about you. Being a writer is one of the most loneliest and hardworking job there is. Why? Because we sit in a room and write for hours upon hours. And we constantly beat ourselves up for our working, always thinking, this could be better. I do that too, writers often are perfectionists. Some aren't. But some are. And our work is solely based off of our mind and also the feedback we get. And if we don't get feedback, we feel crushed. And I understand that. But, sadly, that's how the real world is sometimes. But what the smart thing to do and would show a lot of character is rising up from being crushed.

It's all about self-esteem guys. It's all in here, ourselves.

Once again, I'm just getting this all off of my chest. And whether you agree or disagree with me is fine. If you don't like what I'm saying and you think I'm hating, tell me about it, comment and click the "huh?" check box. If you agree, check the awesome box.

I'm not trying to enforce a solution. I'm just speaking my mind and now that it's down, I can take a breath now. Thank goodness, I need a good breather.



  1. I understand what you're talking about, Chels. Most of us oldies just dealt with the fact that we only got two or three comments at best while the newbies that posted around us were begging to be read or threatening to leave and consequently getting seven-ten comments. It's stupid, childish. I always thought that having seven to ten commentors on at least one chapter of your story, without completely being down on your knees and pleading was the accomplishment people would want to get. I always wanted that. I thought that that meant that my story had reached that level of perfection, or at least was entertaining enough. KidPub isn't like what it use to be. Yet I can't compare to your four years on KP, but I do know that after 09 things started going downhill. And now everyone freaks out about "Saving KidPub" or "Getting more Comments" but no one does anything about it. Oh sure they try to do stuff about it, we're arrogant, we all think we've got the ability to change save KP, but they've all flopped. Why? Well I think half of it is because the ones who are doing that are the newbies. They haven't... Earned the respect of everyone else yet. All they've done is talk up a storm and make everyone listen to pointless white noise.
    Well I think I've ranted enough. Sorry, I got a little carried away there, but I had some things to get off my chest too.

  2. "You know what I find strange. These new members that have been on for less than a year get like seven comments on a two paragraph long chapter when there are older members, who still want that attention, still want the feedback as much as the new members do. And we don't get it."

    0_0 You could not be more right. Honestly, I've never really thought about the older members of KP. I guess I just assumed they all were still buddies and followed each other's stories. How naive is THAT?

    I totally agree with what you said, here. All of it. The comment issue, the sci-fi issue (FINALLY, someone who wants to bend the laws of science like I do! :D), even down your opinion on the fanfic writers.

    I commend you for being so honest with yourself and the rest of KP. :)

  3. I like most genres… Sci fi isn't one of my favorites, though I think it can be just as good as any other genre. I just prefer fantasy, though I haven't read much straight sci fi.
    Actually, I tend to read the older(not necessarily like years… more of not newbies) members' stories more, the ones that I know I like.
    I think you have a point. And I've never clicked one of those buttons before… I shall. :D

  4. Anonymous 1,

    Anonymous, I totally see your point. And you're not ranting. That's a good point. I totally, all the way, agree with you. It's just useless talk and no do. And is there anything we can do about it? Nope. Sadly.


  5. I know. I just think that KP should be for...more mature kids, like 11-17 maybe (is 17 too old?). Because our new members are either below 10 or 11. And...forgive me if I've insulted anyone, I just want them to grow a few more writing skills, collect a few more birthdays maybe. Who knows? I may just have a empty-headed skull full of feathers and hope, but this is what I believe. *coughs and exits room*


Comment! Tell me what YOU think! :D I love writer-reader interaction!