Last week, in my Geography class, we watch this Student News thing on the internet and we get like our daily dousage of news around the world and news in our country. But, last week, I can't remember which day in particular but there was something about a kid, about... maybe thirteen or so who committed suicide because he was getting bullied for being gay.
Now, I was genuinely shocked when I heard that, I mean, honestly. I've heard of several people (thankfully not anyone I know) who have committed suicide because they were bullied... but what shocks me the most is, why do we do it in the first place?
Do you know who I blame for bullying? Ourselves. Believe it or not, I'm lead to think that we are all by nature a bit devious. Not to sound all religious on you, but Christian's believe that God made us imperfect. And I think that's pretty damn right because if we were perfect; we would all agree with each other and there would be no variety in life. And what's the point? I think life is purposefully made unfair and difficult for us because, honestly, think about it, if your life was perfect, yes, it would be awesome at first. But think, think far ahead and see that you will get bored.
But why do we bully each other? Yes, I know, all of us aren't guilty or victims of bullying and I'm not accusing you of it either. But all of us, one in point in our life will be bullied. How you interpret it and how you handle it is if you notice it or not. The only time I could really think that I was bullied is when one girl in my health class in seventh grade was making fun of me for being a video game nerd. -_- Yeah, how stupid right? lol. No... but anyways, I didn't really make... the right choice on how I dealt with it. I sort of fed the fire and they just laughed at me more. But what I did right was request a seat change because I wasn't going to sit there and let her ruffle my feathers.
Also, you might bully someone without even knowing it or even intending it. Bullying is very touchy and all it basically is when you make fun of someone for whatever reason. It's really easy to do but could affect someone so greatly.
Being bullied is no fun and it bugs me when people are bullied, know it, and don't do anything about it. They just sit there and let themselves be torn down. That's when people should step in. If you have a friend who is bullied step up for them, you might be nervous but if they're being bullied, you need to say something if they're not. It's called being a good friend and I would do that for any one of my friends in a heartbeat.
What beats me is I wonder what the heck is running through bully's heads! I mean, HONESTLY. If you think it's cool to make fun of people and bully someone, then hell, I have a bone to pick with you...
Here's what people who bully others look like to me: complete and utter idiots. You have obviously no morals or bad ones or common sense and you're not cool, you're stupid and you need to stop. People who usually bully others are either extremely confused themselves, have bullying done to themselves and want to take out their anger on others - which is stupid - or they want social approval.
Now, that's a whole other subjcet entirely; social approval. It's basically fitting in and getting approval from your friends. You may not know it but people usually change if their friends change. If you have a friend who hangs out - for an example - someone who wears a lot of neon attire and then within a couple of weeks, you see your friend wearing neon too? Friends rub off on each other. And usually, they are alike - appearance wise and personality wise.
There are two main types of bullying - I believe. This is what I'm pulling together from my intellect. I'll explain each to you.
Verbal bullying can be even worse than physical though it doesn't take away the fact that physical hurts too. Verbal bullying is when someone uses words to make you feel bad. I'll give you a scenario. Here is one I've actually heard before, in real life, you won't believe it because I hardly did:
Boy 1: Hey, Bob (not real name), what'cha up to?
Boy 2: Not much, you?
Boy 1: Oh my god, dude, what are you wearing?
Boy 2: What? This? (points to ragged shirt)
Boy 1: Yeah, what the hell is that thing? (laughs)
Boy 2: I... it's just...
Boy 1: It looks like a friggin towel.
All right, Boy 2 has money issues. That's a real event I overheard. It's pathetic what bullying is.
Now how do you deal with verbal bullying?
Obviously, you try to avoid that person but sometimes, you just can't avoid them for whatever reason, you always come across them and it's like walking into death spikes. Ignore them, walk past them and tune them out. Also, don't fight back. It's not worth it. You just need to keep your head high and know that you're better than that. And that they don't know what they're talking about.
This is a type of bullying that is - what I think - so unfair. Humans love to have a sense of power and domination over each other. We have an unsatisfied hunger for it. In the novel, Lord of the Flies by William Golding, you get a first hand view of how we are controlling over each other. The novel is actually really good if you understand (I didn't understand it, so make up for my mistakes. It has some good ideas behind it) the novel and in there power and domination spanned from the "littuns" proding and picking up little insects and moving them and throwing them around and then it also went to where they were actually physically hurting each other. It's a good novel, but I had to read it for school so you eventually will too.
Physical bullying is throwing punches and beating up people type of stupid crap. That just shows you how immature and stupid you are. I don't know - but guys have that urgency to be dominating or physically dominating than girls do. That's why you always hear about guys having fights in the locker room. Guy's take their pride very seriously. And that's why guys are more susepatable to being physically bullied than girls.
What do you do? Obviously avoid them. Tell your counselor or an adult you trust, your parent or pastor. Because being physically bullied is just not fair. So, you need to consult with some bigger people than just your friends. Adults are a good suggestion.
All in all, bullying is stupid and says your idiot so don't do it.
As always, I do always appreciate suggestions for future blog topics. :) Come on guys, I need some thing funny to break this solemn montony!
So... comment. Also, how well did I blog? Give me a comment. Don't want to comment? Check one of those marks and tell me what you're thinking, honesty is appreciate.
OOH. Here are the poll results! :D
Q: How are you liking school?
A: 35% (6 people) chose "It's all right". I chose that one too. It IS all right. 35% (6 people) chose "Meh". Looks like "It's all right" and "Meh" are at a tie! 23% (four happy people) said "It's great!" And lastly, 5% (1 lone person) said "It sucks". And you know what, I would usually accuse that lone person of being a loner and a downer but you know what, I respect you, lone person. :D Plus, it kinda sucks sometimes too... lol.
Next poll! How long have you been in a relationship for!? Yeah... you heard it. I want to know. Also, that foreshadows my next blog post.
I completely agree with you. Bullying is PATHETIC. Great blog post! Hmm, maybe you can write a blog post about insecurity and low self-esteem. I dunno, sorry if that's lame but that was the first thing that entered my mind. I think I was one of the people who voted 'it's great!' lol, I'm doing school right now as I write this comment. Anyway, great job and I hope to read more soon!
ReplyDeleteI agree with NightOwl, bullying is not cool.
ReplyDeleteI agree with both of you, BULLYING IS NOT COOL! Thanks for posting this, Chelsea, it must be encouraging to a whole bunch of people, and that's very good. :)
ReplyDeleteNo prob! And thanks for the feedback. Appreciate it. :) Stay tuned, new post tomorrow!