I've been in two relationships in my life, with a couple of minor ones in between. The most recent one I had ended at the middle of seventh grade. The farthest one back is the one I had in third grade. And those two are the ones I remember the most.
Allow me to describe those to you.
Let's start with third grade. C'mon guys, we all know what elementary school years were a daze of happiness, juice boxes, long recesses, and gummy, fruit snacks - although, that's how it was for me - and third grade I don't remember much of. In fact, I only remember Kindergarten, fourth grade, fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth the best. What happened to first and third grade you ask? Well, first grade, I literally remember nothing. The only thing I remember from first grade is I almost told on my best friend (we've been friends for 11 years now and counting) for saying "fart". Yeah, I know. Third grade is just visions of recess and calling my sister a "knuckle-head-mc-spazz-a-tron" during recess as she passed by. Kindergarten, I remember three things in particular... one, I cut my bangs with patterned scissors and someone told on me and my only retort was, "They needed to be cut anyway". Two; this guy that sat at my table and his obsession with the color scarlet, and three, I lied and got away with it. Which was, back then, like achieving god-mode. Fourth grade consisted of make-believe clubs and tag at recess. Fifth grade, writing, tons and tons of writing. Sixth grade, good times. Seventh, great times. Eighth, eh, not so much.
I'm getting ahead of myself. Get focused again, Chelsea. Anyway, back the third grade. I was actually very cute in third grade, if I do say so myself. And that's when my first relationship spawned. I actually don't know of how it started to begin with but one day, I found myself "dating" or "going out with" a guy named Justin. He was 5 foot then, and now, seven years later, he's still 5 foot. Yeah. We went out for a couple of months. I actually have his signature in one of my yearbooks and it says in boyish, scrawl, "I will miss you, Chelsea." Because at the end of third grade, I was moving to a different school. And I mean, this Justin kid had a major crush on me. He gave me this really nice, crystal ring, which I was convinced back then was a diamond ring, and also a pretty necklace. The necklace is missing and the last time I saw it was four years ago in a jewelry box I gave away and the ring disappeared at lunch. Thieving little kids... I'm pretty sure someone stole it. As fourth grade came, I forgot all about him and moved on. Now, we're merely friends. It's kinda like he doesn't remember it at all, oh, but do I remember.
Now, here comes sixth grade. Which actually, I should start back in fifth grade. There's this kid - a new kid in fifth grade that came from a private school so you can imagine this guy was pretty dorky to me - his name was Chris. I remember, during Language Arts class (English class equiv.) I somehow convinced my teacher to let me have an art lesson and teacher people in the class how to draw some anime eyes and stuff. (I'm all right at it...) And I remember after the class, this dorky kid Chris comes up to me and shows me his ill-drawn eye and says that he can never draw girl eyes but can draw boy eyes. Here were the thoughts going through my head: GET AWAY FROM ME. That's when sixth grade rolled around. I started emailing Chris. It was a year later, so he had changed and so had I. And we just kinda... decided to go out. And promptly, a month later, I told some people. We were together from sixth to the middle of seventh grade. And by seventh grade, it kinda took a down-hill plunge. Now, in ninth grade, we're friends, pester each other all the time and participate in all-out poke wars on Facebook. Nothing special in that relationship.
Now, I am currently single. And pretty proud of it, considering the fact how complicated these relationships are getting. I've only been a Freshman in high school for... what, six weeks? And I've all ready heard some pretty strange stuff, ranging from pregnant girls, rocky relationships, freshman-senior dating and weird-eavesdrop-moments.
I'll depict each one. This is not the first time I've heard about pregnant girls. I started hearing about it in... eighth grade. Two times actually. One girl was said to have had... some fun with a guy and might have gotten pregnant. She didn't, so lucky her. And also, in my Graphic Design class, *whispers* the one I'm in now, the only other freshman in the class, my friend Meggie said the girl next to her is pregnant and she admitted it to her. I can kinda see how she would say that...
Rocky relationships are self explanatory. They are found everywhere and don't need explanation.
Freshman-senior dating. Now, ask me that and this is the answer you'll get, a big, fat "NO" and a screwed-up face. I think that a freshman dating a senior is wrong. I know back in the olden days, it was okay to have like a five to 10 year difference but now... it's slowly becoming rarer and rarer. Of course, there are always exceptions but a freshman dating a senior puts a lot of stress on your reputation. For one, if you're the freshman, people might look at you and think, "Wow, what a bitch, hitting on the older guys," and if you're a senior... well, I'm not really sure what they'll think. There's two way that could go, you could just get a shrug like I-don't-care or you could get a >:O VAS?! (German, fact: I am not taking German class, although a lot of my friends do)
And YES, I HAVE to tell you about my eavesdrop moment.
It was after lunch and me and one of my twin friends, Brooke were on our way to English since we have the class together. You know how you finish talking about a subject and you lapse into silence, well, that's what happened and right on cue, I heard this as clear as day from practically beside me.
Girl 1: Why would you go out with him again? He cheated on you.
Girl 2: Yeah, but we're not in it for that. We're in it for the sex.
O_O Uh, ahem, WHAT?! What did my ears just hear?! WHAT WORDS have been COMPREHENDED in my INNOCENT mind?! (maybe not... innocent, but you get the idea) I seriously could not BELIEVE I had just heard that. I went into like... shock and I said to Brooke in a low whisper, "Ohmygoshohmygosh, did you just hear THAT?!" Thank goodness she did, so it wasn't my ears playing tricks on me!
*shakes head* All right. I want to get some my opinions down now.
When do I think people should start dating? High school and for that's ninth through twlevth grade, middle school, seventh and eighth should only be harmless dating... nothing major like it is around where I live. It's nuts around here... if you're dating someone, it's like a sin or something. Well, that's how it was in Middle School. Elementary school is harmless dating ALTHOUGH, I did hear about a twelve year old boy that got his fifteen year old girlfriend pregnant. My first thought: WHAT THE HECK!? First of all, why was a twelve year old dating a fifteen year old. That's... just wrong. It's kinda like that freshman-senior idea. And this kid was like, "Oh, I'm gonna support this baby," Okay, kid first of all, you're twelve and the only thing you're going to think is either "XBOX 360, XBOX 360 or PS3, PS3." That kid probably has NO idea what he's getting into.... *shakes head* That's why we get married and THEN make life changing decisions.
Yes, high school is in my opinion, a good time to start dating only because it just sounds right. I mean, you're at school with adults and it would be a good time to start thinking about the future like college and family and what-not.
What are my plans? Well, I'm not gonna be dating in high school. I want to focus on school. Don't worry, with the career I want, I'm gonna be exposed to a lot of men in my life. lol. I do want to go to college, I don't have a college chosen but I know what career I want: the video gaming industry. I've lived with video games my entire life so far and you know, why not keep it that why? I enjoy it. Family? I obviously do want to get married, eventually I ain't having more than two kids. You ain't gonna convince me...
Now, I do hear about ten to twelve year olds having "relationship" problems. I hear it all over the place; in my life, on Facebook, and even on KP. Do you know what relationship problems kids that age should be best friend battles. Not... boyfriend problems. *rolls eyes* "Oh, I have a crush on this boy and I don't know if I should go out with him or not," Well, how about you just focus on your friends and keep your eyes off of boys? Don't tempt them ladies, it's not their fault all right...
That's what I think of that... so, how about keep the dating to high school? All right, good.
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Til next time.
Heey, I'm from KP aswell.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you at the 12 year dating problems, because I'm 12, and in year 7 and a majority of girls in my class all worry about boys and truthfully its odd because I go to an all girl school but oh well. But anyway a girl in my class, lets call her Kate, has a boy friend and thats all she and her friends talk about. Like we're doing maths and my teacher brings something up that is slightly in common about her boyfriend and then one her friend yells out his name. And I went up to her and said your 12 and all you seem to care about is your boy friend when really I bet you haven't even kissed him. And then we had a fight and all but yeah...
But the main thing I'm trying to explain is that people my age having boy friends is stupid because we probably won't even go out on dates with them, because we're 12, what are we going to do, go to McDonalds and order a kiddy meal? I just find it stupid to think that 12 and 11 year old girls think their 'heartbroken' when they broke up when their really just humiliated.
I had my rant so thanks :)
And uuh sorry for going on and on and on. :)
ReplyDeleteNo, no! I love reader interaction! And I do totally agree with you, all the way. :)
Here's a test comment.
ReplyDeleteThat's odd. Because here's what two people have said: Hey Chelsea! I tried to comment on your blogpost multiple times, but the comments don't appear on the page. I tried commenting anonymously and also through my gmail account...so yeah.
I'm not sure if you review all of them or something (if you do then I'm sorry, I just spammed you with like five different comments XD) but mine weren't posting" and also "I saw this on Blogger, today, and typed up a really long (that deson't mean it was in any insightful ;P) comment and then Blogger said error when I tried to post it. Something about a null... ?"
Not too sure...
Wow, interesting post, Chelsea!
ReplyDeleteI have so many thoughts as to what you have just posted, and some are better left unsaid 0_o
ReplyDeleteOkay, regarding that conversation you overheard... WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT ALL ABOUT? :O Like...whoa. Can someone spell "whore much?" Excuse my language, but that is just wow. Total wowness.
Also...you're single? 0_o (you can respond to that one in an email if you like)
YAAAAAAAY! I thought I was the only one who didn't want to get into a relationship during highschool ^_^ now I have been proven wrong! Hooray! :D Whenever I tell my friends I want to be single for four years of my life, they always stare at me weirdly...
Reasons I do not want to date now:
-high school relationships normally don't last. and if they do, they usually end up in a divorce
-I REALLY need to focus on school.
-the relationships I see in ninth grade aren't really love. They're just...friend-crushes dating.
-I'd want to go out with a mature guy :) Like, eleventh or twelfth grade, but NOT when I'm in ninth grade :O Like you said earlier, that's just wrong! University guys are mature, so I'm waiting until then.
I also would like to point out that I think you should never go out with someone younger than you. I don't know why, it's just one of those unspoken rules, I guess. Unless you really love them, of course. But even at this age (14 years old for me), I think that it's hard for people to tell if it's real love, or if it's just an "I-like-you-a-bit-more-as-a-friend-so-let's-go-out." The only example I can think of when a fourteen year old actually LOVED someone and not LIKED them is a story we both know :)
I think this is by far the worst comment I have ever written lol. I blame it on my empty stomach. *goes downstairs to eat breakfast*
ReplyDeleteCheck your email. :)
Definitely. That one girl was a total whore. It spells it out perfectly and I don't mind the language. ;)
I know right! High School is are school and dating... okay, it's optional but it's pretty much pointless. I don't want to date in High School because I want to get it out of the way first.
YES! I agree with you all the way on those reasons for not dating in High School! Nailed it! lol. :D
You're totally right, I should have touched that topic during my blog post. Dating someone who is younger than you is weird. If a girl dates a younger boy... Uhhh... >.> No. It's like, for us, fourteen year olds dating like twelve year olds is weird. But if a guy dates a younger girl, it's okay... I guess but still a bit strange. People could pull it off in the early 1900s but 2000s? Noo.
It's okay -- for the comment. I just ate breakfast myself. :) I conquered my hunger! *files away*
WOW! My comment didn't come up either... Try again.. Her is what I said:
ReplyDeleteI just thought I'd share the history of Valentine's day with you, from my blog.. Here: http://verncgriffen.blogspot.com/2012/02/history-of-valentines-day.html