I was about to spaz this morning. For those who don't know, I blog during Graphic Design class and so, it's a normal day, I come in - have a bit of trouble finding my name card (no idea why we still have them) in the box, get on and I click on my internet icon to start blogging and as the page comes up, there's a stop sign on screen and it says, "Internet is Surf-Locked". You can imagine my shock so I thought, oh, I can close it. I closed the window and opened it again. It yielded the same thing! O_o I was like, "You got to be kidding me!" So, I went through the procedures in my head to what I'm suppose to do because I always blog during class and how I was going to get word out to ya'll that I was having technical difficulties. So... being the person I am, I took a deep breath and tried again in five minutes. THANK GOODNESS, it worked because I really want to blog...
Before I get to the topic, I want to share an idea. I might have actually mentioned it all ready. I got an email from my bestie, K-Dog (Chiaki) and she told me that she was going to start vlogging. So, I thought, "Hmm, what would happen if I started vlogging?" I transcended into Chelsea wonderland and saw my self in the future having a good time. Not really convinced by that image, I think I might give it a whirl. All I need is a webcam and Christmas/my birthday is in three months. Posibilities there. Also, one of my favorite vlogger is a show called Cute with Chris. If ya'll want a funny guy, he's the guy. lol. It's a show about cute puppies and kittens but sometimes it gets far from there including shirtless photos, rats, teenagers, his three co-hosts: Pervy the Perverted Horse, Culty, and Peanuts and crazy cat ladies. It's hilarious.
I ask you, would you watch my vlog if I vlogged? I probably wouldn't vlog every day. I'd probably vlog on the weekends or something because during school... just isn't possible because our school doesn't allow laptops, it hast to be a special purpose or something. So, blogging during the week and vlogginf on weekends. Cool.
All right, so topic, someone requested Cooking. The next posts will be ones that I dug up from past comments that I thought I might give a whirl at. SUGGESTIONS are always appreciated. :)
Well, about Cooking, I'm not a natural cook. I'm more of a read the instructions on the side of a little box and pop it in the microwave type of cooker. Although, I know how to make popcorn with a pot, fried eggs, poached eggs, and... spaghetti. But I mean, really guys, we don't realize how much we appreciate the microwave. You know what we need, National Microswave Appreciation Day. What date should it be? Something sensible, like... how about... November 10. Yeah, that'll do good. Now... I just gotta write that down somewhere. AHA! Hand... *scrawls*
You know what I should try to do? Try not to use a microwave for an entire week and see how far I get. I'll do that this -- awww, I used the microwave this morning... >.> I'll start and go to next Tuesday. Let's see how far I go and I'll prove to you how much we use the microwave.
Here are a couple of my cooking mishaps.
One time, me and my friend Alex decided to make cookies but we didn't have the right ingredients for chocolate chip cookies, but we could make oatmeal cook --- HEY. *looks around my table furiously* AW man, I forgot my jacket in the Band Hall... DANG it, that the whole reason why I brought a jacket in the first place was for this class. Crap... -_- Oh well, anyways. I'll just freeze in Alebgra and promptly the rest of the day.
Me and my friend Alex made oatmeal cookies and we followed the recipe as close as we could manage with a few alternations because we didn't have specific ingredients. They looked a bit goopy but we still put them in the oven to cook and we waited. They began to smell pretty good so Alex goes over and checks the oven by turning on the light. She gives out a low scream and quickly turns off the light. I go over to her and ask, "What's wrong?!" She points at the oven and says, "LOOK at them!"
I turn on the light and I felt like Jaws theme was playing in the background, like there would be a head of someone in there, melting!! D: C'mon guys, it IS gonna be Halloween soon so might as well get in the spirit. Look at my blog... c'mon. lol. Even my favorite show did a Halloween primere of an episode. (The Regular Show, HILARIOUS). I turn on the light and... the pan was filled with the dough. The cookies, WHICH had been small plops before, might I add, had expanded and filled the pan. We quickly took them out and found that they were slick with grease as well. Ewwww...
Alex dared me to try it and so I did and... I tasted pretty good, as a matter of fact. They were soft and warm but very... *smacks lips and thinks* what's that? I gave Alex a piece and she agreed that the cookie was a good cookie cake but why was it so... buttery?! Uh, maybe because we put... TWO WHOLE STICKS of butter in it instead of a half a stick. I don't know WHAT we were thinking.
It made a good crumble/cookie cake but it had like 20 grams of fat in like two inches of it. lol.
So, with that established that I suck at following written directions, I make - or rather attempted to make cupcakes with my older sister, Emily and younger brother, Gage. Gage wanted to make some cupcakes and my parents went out to dinner so I was kinda forced into making them. Instead of sitting on my ass, vegging out on Facebook or Youtube and watch people fail at pratically everything, I had to make cupcakes. So, we began and the mixture was on the back of some box and the mixture was like dirt... liquid dirt. It smelled good but tasted really watery. During the combining of ingredients, I accidentally put too much vanilla extract in it and began to freak out because I mean, you know me... I freak out easily at the stupidest things. I call my mom and everything saying, "Mom! I put two tablespoons of vanilla extract instead of teaspoons?! Is that okay?!" Mom: "*sigh* Chelsea, it's fine. It'll just be a little... moist that's all,"
Relieved, we continued, we finished the mixture and poured the liquid into the pan and fifteen minutes later, those babies came out of the oven smelling like heaven. We were crowded around them and waited until they cooled and OH MY GOSH, were they the best cupcakes EVER.
But... techinically, they WEREN'T cupcakes because we just ate the cake part of it. So, were they muffins? Quiet so. Okay, they would have been cupcakes if my mom hadn't have gotten the crappy icing. I was so happy that my mom got icing but I figured out it was cream cheese icing and nearly threw up. "What the heck, mom, REALLY?!"
So... have YOU ever had a cooking mishap? I would love to hear them. Have you noticed that my stories were with desserts? Yeeah, looks like I'm dessert-challenged. That's okay, that's what the store is for! :D To solve our problems that ail us from living life to the fullest. Or... we just get groceries and there's no greater thought behind it. Yeah that's probably it.
Share the mishaps, share the love, eat muffins, you know, all that jazz. Comment, suggest topics, feed my koi, click the check marks, give me feedback guys. I'm loving the comments, I thank ya'll so much. STAY tuned! :D
Haha! Cooking mishaps can be very funny... The once my brother Joshua (16 years old but was younger then) put too much bicarb in a cake! Although I still enjoyed it, I did get little lumps of bicarb here and there... He also put too much chives in our supper the once, but I found no fault with it! ;) My older sister, Perrin, is the top cook, she's actually going to be a professional chef when she is only 18!! So, she's gonna have to cook a LOT to get there! But she's confident and passionate, so I think she will do well. I can bake and cook, I'm quite good at baking, but can't cook that well... Perrin is trying to give me lessons, as she will have a lot of cooking work to do, and won't be able to cook supper in the mean time, so I will have to cook! Yup, you're probably thinking; "Why is the older sister cooking, instead of the mom?" Well, because Perrin loves cooking, that's why she is cooking instead of my mom... Anyways, I really enjoyed your blog post!
ReplyDeleteThere were some funny bits! *remembers the funny bits* And LOL. Thanks for posting this!
Sorry for the epikly long comment, but this subject caught my eye and let me pour out memories... Ah, good old memories... Anyhow, thanks again!!! :)
ReplyDeleteSee, that's kinda how my friend is. She loves cooking and whenever we hang out we always make something and she is the one usually making dinner. It's a bit strange... but still. lol.
I love long comments, any time! Chiaki has longer ones, she's beating you... lol. :)
Stay tuned,