Pages 'n Stuff

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Blogging Tips From Me To You

All right guys, I'm seeing that blogging has been becoming a trend for quite some time now and since there are so many new blogger, I thought I ought to give you some of my blogging tips that seem to do me well.

I'm a decently successful blogger. I mean, I have 17 followers and if you're not one, you should be one. My total views since September 2010 is 4,921 views. That's a span of roughly an entire year, which is good compared to what it could be. I'm not complaining about it. And I think that my blog posts really appeal to the people of KP, so that's where most of my traffic comes from.

These are my tips from me to you about blogging.

Title: Create some witty title to your blog. Make it a bit cryptic, although not so it takes up an entire fourteen blog posts to explain. And it also needs to be catchy.

Like, mine for explain, I don't exactly know it's origin... but it's catchy! Pink Team's Locker. Catchy in my opinion. Here's another good one that I thought of whilst drinking coffee, and no taking this idea... >.> Last Sip Of Coffee. To those who do drink coffee, especially those who drink it with sugar in it, the last sip is usually very, very sweet. So...? You dig?

Blog Design: As for the overall layout of the blog, you can let your creativity go wild. Make it colorful and exciting!

Put some cool little gadgets on there. I have some koi fish, just because I can. Add some polls and fun facts. Whatever you want. But... do not make it crowded with a ton of gadgets because it's really hard to read. Also, when choosing colors, make sure you keep it pretty simple. Nothing too difficult to read. Don't use a lot of yellow. That's just my opinion. Don't use it as the main text body... text. You know? Because it does put a lot of strain on your eyes. That's why I usually keep my layout pretty simple. Black with white text and occasionally pink text because it matches my blog's title. But over all, let your imagination run it but keep those limitations in mind.

Blogging Can Be Easy:

If you're not a naturally charismatic, outgoing, and writer, having a blog might be difficult for you. Because, it does require a lot of attention if you want to keep an audience and satisfy them as well. I am a outspoken person and whenever I type I usually type as I would talk so, what you're reading is pretty much how I would talk if I were sitting there in the room with you. So, you have to have good voice whenever you type. I don't want to read something that's as if they're just stating the facts. It's boring.

Which brings me to another topic, you probably should be a fast typer as well. Because it's faster to type and I found out the faster you type, the faster you can post. That's just an opinion to me. As such, my current words per minute is no lower than 70 and currently, it's 101. Well, that's my recent high score.

How To Get Ideas:

I know sometimes I literally beg my viewers for topics to blog about because sometimes, for the life of me, I just can't figure out what to blog about... but I honestly keep my eyes peeled for anything to blog about. Every where I go, I try to find a blog topic to along with it. Which is what you should do, don't rely on your readers to give you ideas. Part of the reason people read your blog is because they like either what you blog about or how you blog. I'm not... sure what it is for my blog though. I'm obviously doing something right.

Big No-No For Blogging:

All right guys. Blogging is pretty much limitless. You can see anything you want about anything. But... I mean, c'mon guys. Have some decency.

Don't cuss. I am guilty of this, every now and again, I cuss but when you constantly do it and you're younger than me... I'm turning fifteen next month. Please don't. It shows how stupid you are and how immature you are. But of course, there I am guilty again. I went through a stage of cussing but guess what, I got over it. I grew up. And also... DO NOT use the f-word. Don't... really. It's not funny. And even if you bleep it out, just don't.

Also, when you're about to say something possibly offense, please tell us: "This might be offensive but this is just my opinion and you don't have to think what I think." Or something to that affect. It's just being courteous. And besides, be nice. Don't talk about anything offensive.

I remember reading a blog post and I was beginning to think, "Wow, he/she is getting better with blogging," and then all of a sudden he/she made a joke about a dead celebrity and I didn't think it was funny at all. And it just killed the mood. I was about to comment and say that it was getting better but... that offensive joke really just turned me off.

No offensive jokes. Or bad language. Just be nice. People will like you more.

Those of are some of my tips. If there was something I didn't touch base on or something you want to know, then tell me in the comments section. I love hearing from ya'll!

Comment, check the boxes, feed my koi, check out my poll and over all, chill out guys.



  1. *nods* Yes, yes. Thank you for this. I'm always thinking aoubt what I could blog about, but... I dunno. It either doesn't seem fitting or just doesn't have enough ground to cover.
    I am a coffee lover. Although my parents only let me have like once a month since I still need to grow. But YES the last sip is AMAZING! That would be a pretty awesomall blog. ^_^
    Thanks again for this post! ;)

  2. Haha! You make me laugh (in a good way, of course, it's just the way you promote yourself in such a smooth and confident manner, I like it, it's not common or easy to find), you are clearly the one to ask ;)Very useful post, thanks. I'm very new at this whole blogging thing and it's nice for someone a little (or a lot in this case) to take the time to spread a bit of sound advice to us beginners :)

  3. Good tips! But I have a question, I can't seem to get reactions... How do I do that??

  4. I. Love. Your. Blog. You are so funny :)

  5. Everyone,

    Thanks to all who commented! Love feedback, all the time!


    How to get a reaction: usually the topic you blog about has to be something that could typically get a reaction back. So, if you're topic is... bleh, then you're readers are probably going to think: bleh. Keep the ideas fresh and keep your own reactions good as well. Hope that helped!!


  6. Hi Chelsea,
    Well, the thing is... I don't know how to get reactions in the first place! You know, the little check boxes at the bottom? Well I just can't get them!

  7. Tane,

    Ooh!! Oh, OH. Well, here's how you get them. Go to your dashboard and under your blog, choose the link to "design". There you will get a layout of your blog. Choose the little edit button under "Blog Posts". And there you will see many options. Go to "Reactions" and you got it. Hope it helped!



Comment! Tell me what YOU think! :D I love writer-reader interaction!