Having your phones out during class at my school is only allowed by certain teachers but as a general rule, you can only use them before and after school. Of course, some say that rules are meant to be broken and in some aspects, I disagree but in this case - it's different.

I do text in almost all of my classes, except for a few and I'll go over each class on how I go about texting. First, let me tell you that my phone is a complete touch screens, no, not an iPhone. It's a Samsung Solstice as depicted to the right. And who do I text? My boyfriend, Adrian Amory from KP, and... occasionally my friend Caitlin. But mostly, it's the first two.
1. Health
Seat Location In The Class Room: Front
Difficulty: Easy
Our Health teacher doesn't care if we text in class. Even if we are looking at the presentations from our textbooks and she's at the front of the class room. And I'll have my phone in my lap and she sees me but doesn't care. It's a blow-off class. We look at presentations answers like ten questions and watch movies.
2. Algebra
Seat Location In Class Room: Front
Difficulty: So-so
My teacher doesn't particularly like to see our phones out during class and if she catches you, since she likes me, she would tell me to put it away but if she caught someone else, she would take it up. She lets us listen to our iPods after we've done notes while we do our homework assignment. But guess what item helps me text? The jacket my aunt gave me for Christmas. The hand pockets perfectly cradle my phone, it's quite convenient. I usually text in my lap and text without looking at the screen but what you need to do is have a look on your face that makes it look like you're listening. My texts usually aren't that incredibly long or punctuated very well but as long as the point got across then it's all good. The thing is, sometimes our teacher is up at the board most of the class doing problems and I'm at the very front and sometimes, she's not even a foot away from me and somehow, I still get away with it... It takes skill guys.
3. English
Seat Location In Class Room: Middle, Towards the Back
Difficulty: Very Difficult
This class took me forever to figure out what the best tactic was. Why is it so difficult? Well, our teacher usually lectures the entire hour and a half class and so, she's always at the front at her podium, looking around the class room. Plus, she has her eyes open all the time. The tactic I figured out was I scoot over on my chair and put my phone down on the chair and tilt my head down as if I'm looking at the paper when really, I'm looking at my phone. I text with my thumb and I'm slowly getting better at it.
4. Geography
Seat Location in Class Room: Back
Difficulty: So-so
Our teacher is cool. He lets us have our iPods out but not really our phones. But still, I text in my lap. Sometimes, he stands at the front of the class and talks all class or he just sits at his desk while we draw a map or something. It really depends but it's relatively easy and not that difficult.
5. Band
Seat Location in Class Room: Middle
Difficulty: Easy
Sal - our band director - takes up phones is he sees them and last class, he took up three and guess whose wasn't in his office? Me. The tactic in that class is that I text on my stand and when I'm done, I stuff my phone into my pocket when he's not looking. It's real simple because stands are so convenient. It's the people who make it obvious that get it taken up or the people that are sitting really close to him.
6. Biology
Seat Location in Class Room: Back
Difficulty: So-so
Our teacher doesn't like us to have our phones out and to be honest, I don't text that much in that class because Connor is usually outside during that period for me so he can't text. I just text in my lap and our teacher doesn't suspect a thing. She's not that observant.
7. Spanish
Seat Location in Class Room: Front
Difficulty: Easy - well for me.
Connor and I have that class together but he's on the other side of the room in relation to me. And we usually text in that class but apparently, one time, our Spanish teacher said to us, "If you have your phone out, please put it away." She was standing right next to my desk but she wasn't looking at me. She was looking at Connor. I look back at him and my eyes are like: O_O and he's face was like: O_O so we're both like: O_O O_O
Just a fun fact, Senora Guerrero loves me but hates Connor. It's SOO funny. I might have to post about that sometime. It's so ridiculously funny. XD And I think she knows we're dating so I wonder what she's thinking now: "Connor is poisoning my star student with his..." Er... you know what, I have NO idea why she hates him. He's never done anything to her and he doesn't talk that much in that class... There must have been something...
The last class, PIT, it's really easy. Enough said.
Okay, here are some tips if you're considering to text in class.
- 1. Put your phone on either silent or vibrate. But if you put it on vibrate, make sure it's not on the desk or something because vibrations can be loud.
- Put the backlight on your phone the lowest it goes. My phone is stupid and the lowest it gets is still incredibly bright.
- If you're not a good multitasker then don't text in class.
- Make sure you have a good relationship with your teachers before you decide to text in their class. Because if you somehow get caught, you get a Get Out of Jail Free Card but if you don't have a good relationship... say good-bye to your phone.
- If your grades start to suffer because you're not paying attention in class, stop... C'mon, grades come first.
- DO NOT drop your phone. You blow your cover instantly. I've almost done that. I've never been closer to death in my life.
Now, again, if your parents specifically told you not to text in class, listen to them. This is only for fun okay, that's all I'm doing.
So, leave comments guys, check the boxes, and stuff! Do you text in class? Have you ever been caught? I'm not a mind-reader, comment! :) I read all of them, promise. I just don't reply to every one.
Chill out guys.
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